Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Konglished" Again

Am I brown-headed or a brunette? Sometimes it's hard to remember.

The waiter was finally ready to take my order. I wanted "low hot" Panang Curry.

My boyfriend had to tell the waiter that I meant mild.

I'm the one that normally translated Konglish into English, not the one that needed a translator!

How had my English slipped so much that I couldn't even remember "mild"? I barely even spoke any Korean. (Shameful, yes indeed.)

Many English teachers in South Korea, and I'm guessing across the globe, have a funny way of coming home with a slightly lower level of English. It becomes easy to summarize and simplify your vocabulary after talking with novice-level English speakers for months. I must fight the urge to speak in Konglish!

Has anyone else found themselves speaking in Konglish (or another combination of languages) after returning home from another country?


  1. Hey Michelle, this is Liesl! :) I've been back in the States for 6 months now, and I believe all the Konglish has been worked out of my system. Finally. Lol. However, practically everyone I have met for the first time since I came back from Korea insists I talk with an accent. No one quite knows where it's from, but no one thinks I'm originally from the States. That took me by surprise!

  2. What kind of accent do they say you talk with? Hmm.. I never noticed that. But, you are talking with Southerners.;)

  3. Yes, those dear Southerners...lol. However, even Northerners think I'm from overseas. They say it's hard to place, some European influence. Some people say Puerto Rican, which I find infinitely amusing. :)
