Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Busan Summer

A bleak Saturday on Haeundae Beach. Not a glimpse into my summer to come.

I'll admit it. I was thoroughly annoyed when I found out that I'd be placed in Busan for the summer. I'd just finished my master's and wanted a summer full of fun. Of course, the "obvious" place for that was Seoul, not Busan.

My new city was five hours from the center of the Korean universe (as I saw it). It didn't help that my first weekend was bleak and dreary. Maybe I had some sort of weird inter-Korean culture shock, switching from my past home to the new salty-aired, ocean-filled, laid back Busan?

I think my problem was that I just wanted to cling to the security of the old (Seoul) and wasn't really open to the new experiences another city held. Similar symptoms to culture shock?

Fast forward past my whining stage and I had some of the best Korean months ever in Busan. I also had a great schedule, awesome students, and lived in a good neighborhood, Seomyeon. I even got to see the infamous Busan Thong Man.

Here are a couple of my favorite spots from my wonderful Busan Summer:

Nampo-dong has streets full of clothing shops, food, books, ANYTHING you could want.

My friend Ryan and I.
Beomeosa Temple was one of the most relaxing places I've ever visited. (pictured above)

Yonggunsa Temple didn't have the calm of Beomeosa, but made up for it with an ocean view.

This little alter at Yonggunsa is a popular spot for mother's to come and pray for their children while they are taking the SAT's.

I never got tired of the constant activities at Jalgachi Market. You could find a fish, eel, turtle (yes, turtle) and have it cooked right there.

Busan has so much to do. The Korean government's tourism site is one of the best resources to find it all.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Reverse Culture-Shocked Again!

My home for the summer, Busan. Pictured is Haeundae Beach.

I thought that for sure I was over the reverse culture shock last spring. Well, technically I was at the time.

But, I couldn't resist and went back to South Korea for 1 last(?) summer. So, Battling Reverse Culture Shock is back in business! I'll soon be posting some memories from the summer, and more importantly blogs about my (and others') return to the States.